Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Market Value and Change in Accounting Policy Essay

Market Value and Change in Accounting Policy - Essay Example Any organization in the market has to ensure that it chooses the correct accounting policy to attract more investors. The investors usually have an interest in studying the financial situation of the company to allow them to make an effective marketing decision. Insightfully, this means that the choice the company makes will affect the reflection and recording of financial statement to the investors. Consequently, the earning management by a company highly depends on the accounting policy that a firm uses in showing its financial position. Discussion The switch between FC and SE, as accounting methodologies, depending on the reasoning that one capitalizes while another expense the cost. Successful Efforts refers to the methodology where the unsuccessful exploration cost is expensed and usually integrated as part of the income statement. However, Full Cost involves capitalizing the unsuccessful exploration cost meaning that this cost is not part of the income statement in this situati on. The choosing of the two alternative methods relies on their effectiveness in achieving transparency related to the accounting information about oil and gas company’s earnings and cash flows. Based on the Successful Cost method, the objective of an oil and gas company is to produce oil or gas from its reserves hence the view that only the costs related to successful efforts are capitalized. On the other hand, the cost incurred is usually expensed, because successful results rely on the change in productive assets. Conversely, the FC method holds that the main objective of the oil and gas companies is to explore and develop oil and gas reserves. This implies that the costs incurred in the process of exploration and development should be capitalized followed by writing them off as the operation cycle continues. However, the regulatory approval from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which looks over the establishment of the governing GAAP, required the oil and gas companies to adopt the SE method. In rejecting the change from FC to SE method, the users argued that this could substantially depress reported earnings and equity figures; and increase the volatility of earnings over time. This means that a change from FC to SE will reduce the capabilities of the firm to raise capital in the stock market thereby leading to vulnerability to competition. The increased volatility of earnings implicates a limitation in the ability of the firms to carry out new explorations in the industry. To support its view on the potential effect coming with adopting FASB Exposure draft, the journal presents statistics showing that 70 out of 109 FC firms would have their average earnings reduced by at least 5%; and 86% of these companies will also witness at least a 5% decrease in their owner’s equity (Lev, 1979, p. 487). Impact of the change on cash flow The shift in the accounting method, from FC to SE had no impact on the cash flow albeit the decrease in the market value. A no-effect theory as stated by HOLTHAUSEN, argues that there is no effect on the stock price associated with the change in accounting policy (Holthausen & Leftwich, 1998, p. 114). The accounting methods are just a facade for the accounting numbers, available for the investors. The author notes that the firms, adopting policy change can unravel the accounting numbers, without spending any dollar, implying that the choice of accounting methods do not affect the wealth of the company.     Ã‚  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Basic Teleological Assumptions of Classical Design Theory Essay Example for Free

Basic Teleological Assumptions of Classical Design Theory Essay The Old School of Intelligence Design presupposes the existence of an intellectual being behind the creation of the universe. Through inference, it often acts as a proof in support of a theistic God. The Design theory is usually supported on two major points – the complexity of the universe and the teleological nature of all natural organisms that constitute the universe. Traditionally, the old design theory resorts to an analogy of the machine, which is complex with an absolutely immaculate correspondence between the parts and the whole and has a ‘purpose’ or ‘telos’, thus teleological. Using Paley’s now legendary example of a mechanical watch that begins its ‘Natural Theology’, one can say that a watch in good condition comprises a number of devices that are intricately connected to each other in such a way, that if one part moves, it in turn set the other parts into movement, thus making the clock work. The watch is thus a ‘complex’ machine. At a second or higher level, there is a ‘purpose’ behind this entire operation, i. e. the ‘purpose’ of the watch – to tell what time of the day it is to its user. Thus, all parts contribute to the whole leading to a well defined ‘purpose’, thereby making the device ‘teleological’. Paley’s inference, which he extends to include all kinds of being and is developed into the central argument of the Old Design theory, is that ‘there must have existed, at some time, and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer; who comprehended its construction, and designed its use’. (Paley) Old Design theory, following Paley’s formulation, goes on to extend the analogy to include all natural beings to argue that the universe, being so well organized and infinitely more complex, thus presupposes the existence of a much higher intelligence, or a being with a much higher intelligence, who must have created this teleological universe. The general logic that establishes the thesis is: 1. Machines are produced by intelligent design 2. The universe resembles a machine Therefore, 1. Probably the universe was produced by intelligent design. (Rowe, p. 59) As a proof of this line of logical conclusion, we can look at anything of the natural world around us, both animate and inanimate, although the animate makes us understand the logic better. A tree, for example, is sustained by the nourishment that is produced by the leaf. The leaf works like a machine, with its every constituent carefully designed, arranged and contrived in such a manner so as to serve its exact purpose – carrying out photosynthesis and providing the tree, of which it is a part, with the necessary succor. It is thus a teleological unit within a bigger ‘machine’ – the tree. The tree, in its part, has all its constituent parts built and organized in such a way so as to make it serve its purpose – to exist and reproduce by creating more of its like. In order to understand this analogy, we can derive on the example of a car. A car, in itself, is a teleological unit serving the purpose of commuting people from one place to another. However, it is a combination of many smaller teleological units – the carburetor, for example, with parts to suit its express purpose – of providing the necessary combustion for the car to move. (Rowe, p. 57) Thus, a purposeful machine can be a combination of many constituent purposeful machines, which add up to carrying out the purpose of the whole. Any part of the human anatomy (like Paley’s example of the eye), and its relation to the human body in general can be counted as an example of teleological design in the natural world. Furthermore, Sartres existentialism can be taken as a normative school of thought elaborating on teleological renditions. As an existentialist belonging to atheistic principles, Sartre viewed subjectivity as the underlying source of inspiration behind creation. In other words, it is only the subjective understanding of things that he thought to be the fundamental purpose of beginning. The example of a paper-cutter can be aptly suited here to the context of explicating Sartre’s philosophical doctrine. The postulate that Existence precedes essence, as he came upon, can be justified by reasoning with the purpose behind the making of a paper-cutter. As is obvious, there are two sides to it. Firstly, the person who makes a paper-cutter knows what he is doing and what a paper-cutter is. So it directly involves the utility of a thing being made or created. Secondly, the process of making is also known to the maker. Hence, a logical inference can be drawn from these two interconnected preconditions that help assigning a teleological meaning to the whole. Needless to mention, it is unlikely that the person making the paper-cutter should be ignorant of its end-use (Sartre, p. 2) Arguments Old and New Till the end of the nineteenth century, the Design Theory, with certain qualifications, was thought to be adequate as an explanation behind creation and its unsurpassed complexity, through the presence of a super-intelligent being. However, right from the beginning of its existence and even before, serious questions and fallacies have been raised in the logical reasoning that draw correspondence between the mechanical and the natural world, leading to Intelligent Design theory. These criticisms are in fact older than even when the Old design was laid down as a philosophical foundation. Hume was one of the earliest critics, and Darwinism was one of the last and most potent criticisms of intelligent design – almost forcing the point of view to refashion and re-present itself into the New Design theory. The foremost accusation against the Design theory is that it is ultimately an analogy. Although Rowe proves in his article that analogy is necessary to reach the truth, yet he proves the significance of analogy only through another analogy, and thus laying the base of his logical inference weak. However, even if we take, for the sake of argument, Rowe’s formulation to be true and believe in analogy to be a way to reach the truth, there can be serious complaints raised against the way the analogy works itself out. One of the first problems to be thrown up by the machine analogy is that the creator of the watch is himself created by something external to his own self, and therefore the creator, an intelligent agency capable of action, needs to be created. Design theory often quite consciously avoids delving into the nature of the creator, just as it does about the ‘purpose’ behind the universal design. ‘Does intelligent-design theory provide explanatory power? ’ asks Young and Edis, ‘If so, it must provide information about the details of the design and, to this end, about the nature of the designer. ID theory, however, deliberately avoids the answers to this question’. (Young and Edis, p. 193) Even if we take into account the theological connotations of the theory that establishes the creator as a self-created, self-creating being, there are other problems that are foregrounded by Rowe. First, does a universe comprising teleological components itself become teleological? To prove that all natural objects that comprise the universe have a ‘purpose’ does not necessarily prove that the universe itself has a ‘purpose’. All that remains is transference that if the constituent objects have a purpose, then the world itself must have a ‘purpose’ where being constructed by a being that transcends ordinary intelligence, it is impossible to grasp that overarching ‘purpose’ behind creation. Such an argument runs into a danger of fallacy, because if ‘Design Theory’ is propounded to prove the presence of a God (or an intelligent being) behind creation, then we cannot take the presence of the being as a presumption. In that case we take to be proven what we are out to prove. Secondly, we can take into account Hume’s classical criticism of the Old Design theory, which says that it is presumptuous to take the teleology and the machine-like orderliness as the very pattern of the whole universe. Here we run into the danger of taking our argumentative basis as only that small section of the universe that is apparent to our sensory perception as the general model of the universe itself, something that we would never know. There may be, and probably are, other parts of the universe located outside the ken of our knowledge where chaos reigns. The greatest criticism of the Old Design theory comes in the form of Darwinian Theory of ‘Natural Selection’. Darwin started off as a believer in Paley’s theological model of Design theory, but as a result of his experience, defected and put forward his own theory of ‘Natural Selection’. It states that in order to be machine-like in teleology and perfect in construct, nature does not necessarily need a divine and intellectual being. Nature works in spite of such a presence or an absence in order to make its organisms best suited to the environment, whereby only the organisms that manage to suit themselves to the changing environment exist while the other perish. The survivors manage to make anatomical adjustments to survive in the environment, thus combining the part to the whole and carry on the acts of existence and procreation. Darwin’s locating the question of Intelligent Design within the question of the implicit ‘anthropomorphism’ of classical ID, is obvious when he talks about ‘Man’ and ‘Nature’ and their roles as agencies of creation: â€Å"As man can produce and certainly has produced a great result by his methodical and unconscious means of selection what may not Nature effect? Man can act only on external and visible character: Nature cares nothing for appearances, except in so far as they may be useful to any being. She can act on every internal organ, on every shade of constitutional difference, on the whole machinery of life†. (Darwin, p. 53) Till the beginning of the twentieth century, the Darwinian theory of Natural Selection reigned supreme in the field of scientific enquiry, while Design theory was more or less relegated to the recesses of religious and spiritual thought. However, the beginning of the twentieth century saw a resurgence of the Design theory, as Darwinian Evolution was made subject to questions and doubts. One of the most common attacks on Darwinism from the proponents of ID theorists has been from the lines of what is known as the mousetrap theory. The mousetrap is one of the most common and yet one of the most complex devices of our everyday life. However, if any of its component parts: the spring, the hammer or the platform is missing, it would fail to achieve its ‘purpose’, its ‘telos’: that is catching mice. Similarly, the immense complexity of even the most basic molecular organisms is so self sufficient and so ‘teleological’ that it cannot be explained by the theory of natural selection, since they do not appear as the result of any earlier form adapting to suit to the changing environment. It appears created out of an intelligent design. Michael J. Behe criticizes Darwin from precisely this position. New Design Theory: In Search for a Philosophic Co-existence However, Behe’s criticism that Darwinism does not account for the immense complexity of molecular organisms is not the same thing as to say that there is a supremely intelligent, benevolent and perfect being who has designed the universe. In fact, Natural selection can be made to account for the immense complexity of even molecular organisms. Neither does Dempski, who otherwise supports the ID theory, speak about the real nature of the intelligent being in question. Under such a situation where nothing could be proven conclusively, the design theory re-formulated itself in what is now known as the New Design Theory. One of the most significant positions of modern proponents of the intelligent design theorists is to dissociate and distance themselves from the earlier theological imports of the argument. As Manson states ‘the fact that modern ID theory is a minimalist argument for design itself, not an argument for the existence of God, relives it of much of the baggage that weighed down Paley’s argument’. (Manson, p. 277) Thus, much in response to earlier loopholes of ID arguments, a section of modern theorists is looking for a co-existence of Darwinism and ID, stating that they are not necessarily exclusive. The big-bang theory of creation is used very commonly as a point of departure. It states that the conditions conducive to life and existence required too many factors to act in too perfect a combination, and hence they do not look like an accident. Therefore, the presence of an intelligent being is needed in order to present the conditions from where nature could take its own course and get on with its act of existence and procreation. The presence of an intelligent being, whether in the form of a single theistic God or otherwise, is thus established, albeit through a new formulation. Religion, Meaninglessness and the Old Design Theory Questions of decaying morality and faith often encroach upon the spheres of religion. A man’s existence can grossly be measured on two parameters: his belief in the system of religion and other ethical means; and his actual loyalty to what he believes. If a man, out of compulsion or faith, remains loyal to what he regards as the most singular religious creed, he ought to have some degree of propensity to it. So he can be adjudged credible enough to be an individual who does not sway from his internal notions. But in reality, things turn out to be markedly different from the nature of our interaction with the world. Even the sternest believers are compelled to choose a life that hardly conforms to what he believes in and of itself about religion. Religion acts almost as an external element which is unplugged from the course of life and does not have anything to do with controlling man’s destiny (Tolstoy, p. 2). In relation to the Old Design Theory, it can be stated that God’s presence is rather nonessential with regards to the actual ordeal man has to live through in this life. As Rachels (293) argues, the ancient myth of Sisyphus is correspondent to conveying the ultimate meaninglessness of life. Contrary to the seep-seated Christian faiths of Tolstoy, this philosophy is more akin to Sartre’s doctrine of atheistic and nihilistic existence. Even if we go by the conjecture that there is in fact a supremely intelligent being at the heart of every phenomenon in the universe, the scope of redemption in mortal life is nearly impossible and therefore, the influence of a single entity, however powerful it is, is negated. References Manson, Neil A. (2003). God and Design. New York: Routledge. Young M. , and Edis, T. (2006). Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New Creationism. Piscataway: Rutgers University Press. Paley W. (1837). Natural theology: or Evidences of the existence and attributes of the Deity With additions notes. London: W. R. Chambers. Darwin, C. (2007). On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection Or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. New York: Cosimo, Inc. Rowe. The Design Argument: Old and New. Sartre, Jean-Paul. Existentialism Is a Humanism. Tolstoy, Leo N. A Confession. Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Rachels, J. (2005). The Truth About the World: Basic Readings in Philosophy.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: Emerging from the Shadows :: College Admissions Essays

Emerging from the Shadows She stands a staggering 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighs a massive 95 pounds, and has short, brown hair and brown eyes. I see my older sister Leslie. Others see a model of perfection. Don't get me wrong, my sister and I are close and have been inseparable since birth. My mother has kept pictures of us ranging from the time we shared a playpen as babies to just recently at Leslie's graduation. For seventeen years, we've shared every life experience imaginable, and we've dealt with the trials and tribulations that come with growing up. But in September, she left home to attend the University of California at Irvine, leaving me to face life alone. However, it gave me the opportunity to live life by myself as Ryan, instead of Leslie's little brother. Since the beginning, I have gone to the same school as Leslie, and almost every year I got stuck with a teacher that she had had the previous year. Being only eleven months younger than my sibling made the memory of Leslie, being the bright student that she is, easier for my teachers to recall. Every September for eleven years I was greeted by all of my teachers with the same "Oh you're Leslie's little brother." This was really no big deal. The following year, my fifth grade teacher said to me, "Oh you're Leslie's little brother?" This normally did not faze me since it happened to me several times before with different people, but on this occasion, it was the same person. This upset me a little. At first this association with my scholarly sister did not bother me too much. If anything I found it beneficial because I believed that it would help me build relationships with my teachers. But with each passing year, the little comments and remarks literally ate away at my identity. Comments like "You did good, but Leslie got a better grade last year," can easily destroy a child's self-esteem. As I became older, I started believing that I was not growing up as myself, but rather as the product of someone else. It almost made me happy to see older teachers leave and others take their place. Unfortunately, school made up only half of the problem. The other half occurred in the one place where it really should not but often did: at home. Free College Admissions Essays: Emerging from the Shadows :: College Admissions Essays Emerging from the Shadows She stands a staggering 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighs a massive 95 pounds, and has short, brown hair and brown eyes. I see my older sister Leslie. Others see a model of perfection. Don't get me wrong, my sister and I are close and have been inseparable since birth. My mother has kept pictures of us ranging from the time we shared a playpen as babies to just recently at Leslie's graduation. For seventeen years, we've shared every life experience imaginable, and we've dealt with the trials and tribulations that come with growing up. But in September, she left home to attend the University of California at Irvine, leaving me to face life alone. However, it gave me the opportunity to live life by myself as Ryan, instead of Leslie's little brother. Since the beginning, I have gone to the same school as Leslie, and almost every year I got stuck with a teacher that she had had the previous year. Being only eleven months younger than my sibling made the memory of Leslie, being the bright student that she is, easier for my teachers to recall. Every September for eleven years I was greeted by all of my teachers with the same "Oh you're Leslie's little brother." This was really no big deal. The following year, my fifth grade teacher said to me, "Oh you're Leslie's little brother?" This normally did not faze me since it happened to me several times before with different people, but on this occasion, it was the same person. This upset me a little. At first this association with my scholarly sister did not bother me too much. If anything I found it beneficial because I believed that it would help me build relationships with my teachers. But with each passing year, the little comments and remarks literally ate away at my identity. Comments like "You did good, but Leslie got a better grade last year," can easily destroy a child's self-esteem. As I became older, I started believing that I was not growing up as myself, but rather as the product of someone else. It almost made me happy to see older teachers leave and others take their place. Unfortunately, school made up only half of the problem. The other half occurred in the one place where it really should not but often did: at home.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Eulogy of Mrytle WIlson

Wilson is more affected by Myrtle's death than he lets on. Therefore, I wrote this eulogy as Wilson for Myrtle to show the depth and complexity of their relationship. I tried to show Willow's feelings for Myrtle, rather than a ‘spiritless' man as depicted through the things he did for Myrtle. Including the things Myrtle did for Wilson shows his appreciation and love for her. Due to the lack of information In the novel, some of the content was crafted based on scenes In the novel and from my thoughts of their relationship.By Including the deep relationship between the couple, It allows the readers to better understand why Wilson killed Gatsby and himself. The vocabulary used is simple, as Wilson was uneducated. The use of constant repetition and similar sentence structure shows that Wilson was a simple man and that he did not know how to express himself clearly. It also emphasizes on the extent of his love and guilt. Short sentences are used to depict Willow's passive and shy na ture. There is a use of dramatic irony by showing how happy Wilson was when Myrtle spent the weekend with her friends, and when she wore nice dresses she ‘bought tit her savings'.Wilson is oblivious about the affair, unlike the audience. This shows how the American Dream Is flawed. Although Wilson worked hard and shower Myrtle with love, Myrtle still chose Tom. It also shows how materialistic people were back then. Myrtle chose Wilson merely on his appearance and now wants to be with Tom for his wealth. This eulogy is written in the first person perspective to show intimacy between the two. Instead of using a second person perspective to describe Myrtle, It shows Willow's deep attachment to his dead wife. 300 words) Good morning, I am George Wilson, Myrtle's husband. I would like to start off by thanking every single one of you for your presence today. Myrtle would be happy If she were still here. Myrtle, you are the love of my life. You entered my life on a fateful Friday 15 years ago, wearing a pink-laced dress, topped with a cream hat. You danced with such beauty, elegance and grace. However it wasn't your beauty that set you apart from the others. It was your bubbly and outgoing personality, your vitality that caught my eye.I knew that you were the one, I knew that I wanted to be yours, I knew that we courage to take the first step to talk to you. I wanted to look my best for you, I wanted you to notice me, I wanted you to like me. I worked very hard day and night at the garage. I was hoping to get a decent piece of clothing. The day of the gathering drew closer and closer. I still had yet to get enough money for a suit. I asked God continuously for help, and He answered my prayer. I was able to borrow a suit from a customer after begging him for it. The quality of the silk tie I bought came with a hefty price, but it was all worth it.I never once regretted all the hard work put in to get that suit, because it brought me a step closer to you, y dear. I remember the Joy on your face, that unspeakable Joy, when I proposed. I remember how your face turned crimson. I remember the 20 graceful steps you took down the aisle, towards me. You wore a hand crafted pristine white gown, fitted with laces and frills. It was exactly the one you told me about, the one you dreamed of since young. I remember how my heart skipped a beat when you stood beside me. I remember how your hands were gently holding on to mine. At that moment, I Just wanted to be yours.Seeing that pure Joy in your eyes when we were pronounced husband and fife was worth so much more than all the extra hours spent working, all the meals forgone, all the sweat and blood shed to make our wedding perfect. Nothing mattered more to me than you, Myrtle. I love you. Working at the gas station isn't an easy Job, but all was worth it. You always told me I work too much as compared to what I earned. But I know the little that I earn can one day bring you happiness. I know you want to get out of this place. I want to be the one leaving with you. Myrtle, you always looked forward to the weekends spent with your friends.Seeing oh smiling from ear to ear when you return brings me so much Joy. It means the world to see you happy. Although your friends have rich husbands and live in big houses, you never uttered a word of complaint. You never looked down on me. You never compared me to the others. You never leave my side. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for being happy, so I would be happy too. I love you. Myrtle, you bring color to my dull life. You always wear colorful dresses. You always doll yourself up. You always try to look your best for me. I know you are aware hat I don't earn much.I know you never once asked me for money. I know you have always used your savings to get yourself what you want. You always think of me. You always share the burden with me. You always put my needs above yours. Thank you, my dear, for being so selfless. I wish I could be more like you. The last words you said were asking me to beat you. You are the apple of my eye, you are a precious gem to a peasant like me. Why would I want to hurt you? I love you, my coward. Yes, I am a coward. But that's because I Just wanted to be yours, to listen to what you say, to obey your every command. Myrtle, I love you.I always question myself why did you choose me, I am poor, I am not that good looking, I am useless. Despite all my shortcomings, you loved me Just the way I am, and you gave me all that I needed and wanted. I want to earn more. I want you to see the world. I want to spend more time with you. I want to shower you with love. I failed to do so. Now, it is too late. I'm sorry for not showing my love Just like how you showed yours. I'm sorry for not giving you the life you always wanted. I'm sorry for not showering you with clothes. I'm sorry for all the suffering you had to go through.I'm sorry for being overprotective at times. I'm sorry for being a coward. I'm sorry dear, I'm sorry, and I'll love you, for all eternity. Myrtle is not perfect, but I love her Just the way she is. She accepted me for who I am and forgave me for all my faults, and I will do the same. To all those Judging onlookers, Myrtle does not deserve to be criticized, for she is perfect to me, and that is all she needs to be. Myrtle dear, your imperfections are what I love most about you, and it is your imperfections that I will miss most. Goodbye and take care, my dear. I will always love you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mayella Violet Ewell Essay

Mayella Violet Ewell is Tom Robinson’s 19-and-a-half-year-old accuser and the eldest daughter of Bob Ewell; she has to take care of her siblings (such as Burris Ewell) due to Bob Ewell’s alcoholism. Before the trial, Mayella is noted for growing red geraniums outside her otherwise dirty home. Due to her family’s living situation, Mayella has no opportunity for human contact or love, and she eventually gets so desperate that she attempts to seduce a black man, Tom Robinson. Her father sees this through a window, and in punishment he beats her. Ewell then finds the sheriff, Heck Tate, and tells him that his daughter has been raped and beaten by Tom. At the trial, Atticus proves that it was her father who beat her by pointing out that the bruises are on the right side of her face only. This is important because Tom’s left hand is mangled and useless, while Bob Ewell is left handed. When Atticus Finch asks her if she has any friends, she becomes confused because she does not know what a friend is. During her testimony, she is confused by Atticus’ polite speech and thinks that his use of â€Å"Miss Mayella† is meant to mock her.  By testifying against Tom Robinson, Mayella is trying to destroy the evidence suggesting that she had attempted to seduce him, and to do what her father wants her to do so that he won’t hurt her — to eliminate her own guilt and fear of breaking a ‘rigid and time-honored code’. Mayella is played by Collin Wilcox in the movie.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Baby Boomers guide to reentering the job market

The Baby Boomers guide to reentering the job market Attention Baby Boomers: Although you’re technically approaching the age when people typical start thinking of retiring from the work world, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a valuable and productive part of a company or business. Or perhaps you’ve already officially retired and have decided that you’d like to re-enter the workforce in some capacity, either due to financial need or simply to keep busy and add new value to your daily routine. Baby Boomers have been traditionally characterized as a hard-working, roll up your sleeves, â€Å"can do† generation, so it stands to reason that they’d want to stay active and continue contributing to the world. If this sounds like you, and you’d like to re-enter the job market and kick off a successful job search, then keep reading!   Whatever the case may be, those of you who are looking to re-enter the job market may discover that the job search game has changed drastically in recent year s- everything from rapid technological advancement to the shifting ways businesses hire to meet their staffing needs has contributed to this evolution. But that doesn’t mean you should give up your goal of finding meaningful employment at this stage of your life, or submit to frustration because of how different everything is now.The truth is, as a Baby Boomer you have a lot to offer the professional world, including experience, finely-honed skills, and a lifetime of valuable wisdom, and it makes sense that you’d want to share it with the next generation of workers. In addition, your skills set obviously presents a positive value proposition for the companies who recognize their strength and value. But in order for you to connect to the perfect job that will allow you to best leverage your background and abilities and make positive and meaningful contributions in the workplace, you first need to get past the job search hurdle. Consider using the following strategies an d advice to help you get there.3 steps to a successful job hunt for Baby BoomersOwn your ageSome Baby Boomers who are looking to enter the workforce may initially feel the urge to somehow â€Å"mask† their ages when applying for jobs- scrubbing out or obscuring key dates on a resume is a common approach. Not only is this a short-sighted approach (unless you plan to go to interviews in disguise), but also, why hide the decades of valuable work and life experience you’ve acquired? Instead, wear your age as a badge of accomplishment and sing its praises during the job search process.Also, establishing your ability and willingness to be flexible and learn new things- a common concern regarding older workers- is a good way to offset any initial hiring trepidation. Use your cover letters and resumes as opportunities to convince hiring personnel that your age is an asset, not a liability, and that a company that hires you will stand to benefit from everything you bring to the table. It’s also an opportunity to showcase your confidence and honesty, which savvy companies will recognize and appreciate.Get used to new toolsJust as you probably had to learn how to use new equipment and technology during your prior lifetime of work experience, you’re going to have to get comfortable with using the new tools of job searching. You may have quickly realized this after opening your local newspaper and searching for the now nonexistent want ads section: job searching has almost exclusively moved to the digital realm. You’ll need to leverage online tools if you want to make the most of your time and find a great new job. Sure, you can also do things the old-fashioned way- some businesses still put help wanted signs in their windows and may appreciate an inquiry from someone who stops in to say hello looking for some honest work- but most jobs these days are found online.But this notion shouldn’t fill you with dread. Many of today’ s online job search tools have been designed to make job searching easier, not harder. If you’re comfortable with the basics of using a computer (going online and sending emails), then do a quick search and check out the most popular career networking and job search sites in your area and field of interest. If you’re less comfortable online, seek out the help of a friend or family member. Your local library is a great resource if you’re in need of some guidance. Trust us, after polishing up your resume, exploring the ins and outs of online job searching and applying is a worthy investment of your time.Build and use your networkA great thing about having decades of work experience under your belt is that you probably have a small galaxy of contacts you can leverage if you’re looking to get back into the work world. A great early step when planning a job search is to think about your years of work experience. Make a list of people whom you can contact regar ding possible employment opportunities. Even if a contact isn’t aware of a job offer in their immediate orbit, they may know someone they can connect you to in or adjacent to your desired field. Just reach out as much as possible and see how your network and possibilities can quickly grow. And don’t get discouraged if every contact doesn’t lead to a job offer- just stay resilient and determined. Consider your time networking as just one tool in your well-rounded job search toolkit.If you’re an older job seeker who’s looking to jump back into the job market, invest some time in learning the new rules and tools to job searching and set yourself up for success. Good luck!

Monday, October 21, 2019

55 Boxing Idioms

55 Boxing Idioms 55 Boxing Idioms 55 Boxing Idioms By Mark Nichol Despite the waning popularity of pugilism, or the sweet science, as boxing is also called, the sport has contributed a number of colorful words, phrases, and expressions out of proportion to its current stature among athletic endeavors. Here is a list of idioms that originated in boxing and were subsequently extended to the world outside the square ring. 1. bare-knuckle: fierce or determined (from boxing done without gloves) 2. beat (someone) to the punch: accomplish something before someone else does 3. blow-by-blow: a detailed account (referring to commentary during a boxing match) 4. bob and weave: be evasive (as a boxer ducking to avoid an opponent’s blows) 5–6. come out fighting/swinging: be immediately aggressive or energetic 7–10. deliver/land a (knockout) blow/punch: hit 11. down and out: destitute (an analogy to a boxer who has been knocked down and remains motionless) 12–13. down/out for the count: defeated or overcome (as a boxer who has run out of time to stand up after being knocked down) 14–15. drop/take off the gloves: abandon civility (from the practice of using bare fists rather than gloves) 16. duke it out: argue (likely from dukes as rhyming slang for fists; â€Å"duke of Yorks† was substituted for forks as slang for fingers or hands) 17. glass jaw: vulnerability (from a reference to the target point on a boxer that is most fragile) 18. go down swinging: persist (from the notion of a boxer fighting up to the point at which he or she is knocked out) 19. have (someone) in your corner: have an ally (from the boxer’s support team, positioned in a corner of the ring) 20. heavy hitter: an influential person or other entity (from the term for a boxer who lands particularly hard punches) 21. heavyweight: see â€Å"heavy hitter† (from the boxing and wrestling weight class) 22. hit below the belt: act unfairly (from the act of landing a blow below an opponent’s waist) 23. in-fighting: conflict within a group (from the term for boxing close up) 24. keep (one’s) guard up: stay alert (from the idea of protecting one’s face with a gloved hand) 25. kisser: lips 26–28. knockout/KO: a decisive blow; a knockout is also a very attractive or impressive person 29. lead with (one’s) chin: take a risk (from the inadvisable act of exposing one’s chin) 30. lightweight: an insignificant person or entity (from the boxing and wrestling weight class) 31. low blow: a hurtful or unfair action or comment (see â€Å"below the belt†) 32. on the ropes: in trouble (an analogy to an exhausted boxer who is hanging onto a rope on the perimeter of the ring) 33. one-two punch: a combination or sequence of two impactful things 34. pull (one’s) punches: hold back from using full force or full resources (as when a boxer does not use his or her full strength) 35–36. punch-drunk/punchy: dazed or fatigued (from the notion of a boxer disoriented from receiving multiple blows) 37. put up your dukes: said by someone as an invitation to fight (see â€Å"duke it out†) 38. ringside seat: a position close to an incident or event or chain of events 39. roll with the punches: be flexible (from the idea of a boxer remaining in motion despite having received repeated blows) 40. round: one of a series of activities or events (from the name of a period of time during a boxing match) 41. saved by the bell: rescued from difficulty at the last moment (from the bell rung at the end of a round in boxing) 42. slap-happy: see â€Å"punch-drunk/punchy† 43. slugfest: a literally or figuratively combative event 44. spar: fight or dispute (from the term for a boxing maneuver, used in the phrases â€Å"sparring match† and â€Å"sparring partner†) 45. square off: prepare for conflict (from the tradition of boxers standing facing each other at the beginning of a match) 46. straight from the shoulder: direct and forthright (an analogy to a blow delivered using one’s full strength) 47. sucker punch: an unexpected blow 48. take a dive: fail (from the slang phrase referring to a boxer falling after being struck) 49. take it on the chin: stand up to criticism (from the idea of a boxer receiving a blow on the chin without falling) 50. the gloves are off: said when someone begins to act mercilessly (in reference to boxing without gloves) 51–53. put/throw/toss (one’s) hat into the ring: issue a challenge or indicate one’s interest in participating (from the custom of a challenger throwing his hat into a boxing ring when a boxer takes on random opponents) 54. throw in the towel: give up (from the custom of a member of a boxer’s support team tossing a towel into the ring to indicate that the boxer concedes defeat) 55. undercard: a subordinate activity or event in a series (from the term for the category of one or more boxing matches preceding the featured bout) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating Conjunctions"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?The Two Sounds of G

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Cut and Fire Polish Glass Tubing

How to Cut and Fire Polish Glass Tubing Glass tubing is sold in a variety of lengths. Typical lengths are 6 (~150 mm), 12 (~300 mm) although glass is also sold by the foot. There is a good chance youll need to cut the tubing to make it the right size for your project or experiment, so here is what to do. Key Takeaways: How to Cut and Fire Polish Glass Tubing Before working with glass, be sure to put on eye protection and thick gloves. If the glass doesnt break cleanly, it can eject shards and cause potentially serious cuts.To cut tubing, score the glass. There are several methods to do this, including the use of a file or glass cutter. Some people prefer to score and break tubing underwater.To break the tubing, either hold the glass near the score mark and tap just below the mark with a hard object or else carefully snap the tubing apart.Fire polish the ends of the tubing by evenly heating the cut edges in a flame. Turn the tubing to assure even heating.Either place the tubing in a container with the hot ends facing upward or else set the tubing on an insulated surface. If you place hot glass on a cold surface (such as metal or stone) it may shatter. Use the edge of a steel file to score or notch the glass perpendicular to its length. A single score works best. If you saw back and forth, youre asking for a messy break. Also, a light score works better than a deep cut.Put on eye protection and heavy gloves. If you dont have gloves, you can minimize a chance of being cut by wrapping the tubing in a towel.Place your thumbs on either side of the notch and apply gentle pressure until the tubing snaps in two.The ends of the tubing will be extremely sharp, so youll need to fire polish them before using the tubing. Fire polish the tubing by holding the sharp ends of the glass in the flame of an alcohol lamp or gas burner. Turn the tubing so that it is heated evenly. Stop when the ends are smooth. Be careful that you dont leave the glass in the flame too long, which melts the tubing and may block the ends.Allow the glass tubing to cool before using it. If your tubing is too thick or you need to bend it, its easy to use a flame to bend and draw a glass tube. 3 Easy Ways to Cut Glass Without a File If you dont have a metal file or a glass cutter tool, dont despair. Here are three simple methods you can use to score and break glass tubing. Again, be sure to wear eye protection and protect your hands with gloves or a towel. Use String To use string to cut glass you need rubbing alcohol, a lighter, and a large container of water. Soak the string in the rubbing alcohol and wring out the excess liquid.Tightly tie the string around the part of the tubing where you want the cut.Set fire to the string.Once the flame completely encircles the glass, plunge it into a bucket of water.With the glass held under water, hold one side of the string and firmly tap the other below it with a stick or butter knife. Use Scissors Tubing will often cut with a pair of scissors. If the edges are jagged (which is likely), fire polish them afterward. You will need scissors, a pen, and a bucket of water. Use a permanent marker or wax pencil to mark where the tubing is to be cut.Hold the tubing underwater and simply snip the tubing along the marked line as if you were cutting thick paper. Use Wire Using wire to cut tubing it more reliable than string and produces a cleaner cut than scissors. You need wire, a lighter, and a bucket of water. A file is handy but not necessary. If you have a file, lightly score along the tubing where you want to cut it.Make sure youre wearing gloves. Heat the middle of the wire in a section long enough to completely encircle the tubing. Be careful because wire conducts heat so even the ends will get hot!Wrap the hot part of the wire around the tubing.Immediately immerse the tubing in water. The heat should break the glass without the need to apply any pressure.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advanced Studies in Occupational Safety & Health Essay

Advanced Studies in Occupational Safety & Health - Essay Example s defined as ‘increased amount of oxygen in tissues and organs’.3 It is ‘conditions of the body exemplified by greater oxygen content of the tissues and organs than normally exists at sea level’.4 It can result from breathing oxygen at pressures greater than normal atmospheric pressure. Altitude sickness is a general term encompassing a spectrum of disorders that occur at higher altitudes.5 It results when one cannot get sufficient oxygen at the air in the high altitude. It is the body’s reaction to a lack of available oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen concentration reduces with increasing altitude. Naturally, altitude sickness occurs from around 8000 Feet’s although, in some instances, it does occur at a lower altitude. When ones go up too fast, the body is deprived off the oxygen it needs. The situation is characterised by several symptoms that include nausea, headache, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue. The best solution is to descending a few thousand feet until the person begins to feel better.6 To add, the odds of getting altitude sickness are significantly reduced by drinking water, eating well and gaining altitude gradually. Offices are predisposed to fire from a horde of sources. The impacts can be disastrous, for example, since a variety of things are kept in the office ranging from personal property to tremendously valuable work related material. Therefore, it is essential to develop ways to prevent office fire. It can be prevented through some strategies. First, electrical equipment should be well maintained. Most office fires result from faulty electrical appliances. Therefore, a well maintained electrical system provides the surest way to prevent fire from arising from electrical faults. This can be done by avoiding overloading electrical, outlets though, certifying that there are a satisfactory number of outlets to reduce the need for extension cords, therefore, reducing fire hazards. However, if it is necessary to use a fire

Community assigment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Community assigment - Assignment Example Such drugs generally cause the victim to experience illusions and destabilize their mental capacities making them vulnerable to carry out acts that can be seen as immoral or even illegal. In most cases, the community and the family members of the drug addict are the ones most hit. Drug addict parents have been known to subject their children to verbal or even physical abuse. Furthermore, the children might not be able to have that parental connection to their parents that they so much need as they grow up (Cheperon, 2010). There is even a greater potential problem that is bound to happen; kids who grow up in families where parents or guardians abuse drugs are likely to take up substance abuse since they learn to see it as a normal thing to do. The community where such people with substance abuse issues live in will not develop. The development of the communities we live in depends on a number of aspects ranging from moral stands, education, and innovative skills (Cheperon, 2010). All these aspects need one to be able to be in the right mindset, which can be hard if they abuse drugs. Among the problems we face today globally, many of them can be traced back to substance abuse as their root causes. Unwanted teenage pregnancies, new HIV infections, domestic violence and abuse against children are just but a few of these problems. It all goes down to mental incapacitation that is brought about by psychoactive substances. When a teenager smokes marijuana, for instance, their perception of what is around them becomes disoriented; eventually they will lack a physical coordination and make unthoughtful judgments. All this makes them become easy targets for rape, or they might even engage in unprotected sexual interactions, which can lead to either unwanted pregnancies or infection of HIV, and in most cases both (Ann, 2012). Domestic violence and child abuse falls in a more parental level since it

Friday, October 18, 2019

Risk Management Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Risk Management Strategies - Essay Example As a result, more and more small companies are turning to a strategic approach as the way forward. Therefore, it is conclusive that risk planning has a very high significance in the risk management model, and, as secondary research shows, larger firms have more sustainability because they focus on risk planning and opportunity development. A firm's behavior in planning is also affected by the perception of its environment and size, as well as the nature of its activities, but not on the firm's performance. Although all small businesses have an amount of risk, being a new start-up restaurant and producing customer service goods adds further risk. This creates quite a bit more exposure to risks from mismanagement than in larger firms, where a major risk is that "some change will occur that will leave the enterprise beached high and dry," and "enterprises must expect to change drastically and repeatedly in response to changes in customers' wants and purchasing power, in competitors' products and prices, in available technologies, in law and in social expectations" (Goetz p 25 2001). The overall rationale to management is to answer the circumstances that develop risks. In business, the successful management strategy must be resilient in the face of failure, and develop sophisticated business plans because major chains have created competitor risk by raising the bar with strategic planning, which is a large part of their success according to Kep Sweeney (Garber p 88 2006). Sweeney further states that "The critical points in the deal making phase include identifying a new concept, forming a team, raising money and finding real estateYou can engineer out a tremendous amount of risk-and increase your chance of success-with proper planning." (Garber p 88 2006). Historic Role and Function Kerzner (p 876 1998) first identifies risk planning as "the process of developing and documenting an organized, comprehensive and interactive strategy and methods for identifying and analyzing risk issues, developing risk handling plans, and monitoring how risks have changed," to the small business owner, this means that a step by step analysis of proposed risks and their possible changes is an inherent part of risk management. Secondly, Kerzner (p 878 1998) describes risk assessment as "the process of identifying and analyzing program areas and critical technical process risks to increase the likelihood of meeting cost, performance and schedule objectives," this will assist the risk management model by answering to the critical processes that create risks and the businesses responses in those areas. The risk identification process is also shown by Kerzner (p 880 1998) as "process of examining the program areas and each critical technical process to identify and document the associat ed risk," in risk identification, the internal and external factors are described and levelled according to their significance to the program area. For example, while a flood may be a risk, that is minimal if the business currently has a leaking roof. Risk analysis "is the process of examining each identified risk issue to estimate the likelihood of

Psycho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psycho - Essay Example Fictional plots within a movie have been included to present a manipulated cast to focus on the motive in bringing entertainment. Horror and epic plots are the movie examples that have led to unrealistic denouement within the plot development. In the horror setting, the distinction is issued on the virtues that present threatening, measures to individual sustainability. Psycho is a movie created by Alfred Hitchcock in a time that experienced a varied form movie production including strong visual implementation of horror scenes. Through Hitchcock, the manipulation of the subconscious had been developed to present reality that was unimaginable to humanity. He managed to represent that provisions that contributed to an imagination that threatened the psychological view of a sound mind. Although Psycho had been a horror based movie, the presentations that had been issued on the middle class society in influencing progress and relationships were highlighted. The production of a horror film has been linked to the provisions that are presented in arguing and developing confidence and courage for the unknown. Greenberg (118) has presented the movie to be the reflection of Hitchcock’s view on human corruption and the vulnerable form of behavioral traits. Hitchcock had been linked to create themes that evoked human emotions to presents characters that had been recognized as impairments to progress. The nature that he created the scenes had cumulated to provide an experience to the viewer and linked the plot to a horrific event. Psycho is a story created around the life of Marion Crane who is explained to meet the challenges presented within the society. Her desire to achieve progress leads her down the scandal that involved $40, 000 dollars. The movie begins on a high note when the violence is created within the first 40 minutes (Taylor 30). This provision has been the developed plot within modern horror movies that creates the incent ive to evoke the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Write Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Write Experience - Essay Example They deliver on time and follow our quality procedures, which our contract stipulated. Unfortunately, they have had lapses in their quality assurance procedures, due to a labor strike that affected their workforce. Because of this, the remaining workers were pressed to do more, which obviously, they could not achieve. Several employees admitted being too tired for the quality check procedures we had asked them to perform. On June 2, 2012, only one employee was present for quality checks, instead of three, and he worked double shifts. This affected his judgment and he missed checking several packages, which the CCTV also showed. Because of this, some of the ingredients that the supplier delivered had been contaminated and still delivered to us. At present, we are working with the supplier regarding this problem. They admitted their quality lapses and are willing to pay for the hospitalization and medical expenses of those who are affected. We also suspended our contract with them, until they could hire enough people for their quality management system. At present, we already contracted a new supplier, who agreed to our renewed meticulous quality standard system. In addition, we also assigned one of our staff to conduct additional quality checks. She is Mrs. Linda Ashcroft, a nutritionist and food technologist. She will be in charge of designing, assessing, and implementing food quality standards. She presently evaluated our delivery, storage, cooking, and service systems and provided recommendations that we will immediately implement. We also invited the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct a monthly review of our food and service quality. They are willing to send representatives to perform regular inspections. We hope that through these efforts, we can regain your confidence in our restaurant. We will do better from this time forward and we will be become more critical of our quality standards and procedures, and subject our suppliers to the

SS310 Final Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

SS310 Final Project - Research Paper Example Assassination To begin with, some of the events that took place during this era were the assassination of many leaders in the U.S. For example, it was during this period that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by two gunmen who short him several times (Anson, 1975). Findings upon investigation revealed that Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 due to political rivalry. Investigations regarding his murder revealed that senior people in government including the Vice president at the time and the former Cuban president conspired with the CIA, KBG, and the FBI to kill Kennedy (Maga, 2009). We discovered that the murder was a conspiracy when after digging several meters underground, we came across a report book by the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) detailing the identities of those who conspired to assassinate Kennedy in a cold blood shooting. At the same time, we discovered an item detailing how Malcolm X, a religious leader, and American nationalist was assassin ated on stage by a rival Black Muslims group. The item reveals that, on 21 February 1965 while Malcolm X was addressing his Afro-American Unity organization at Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York, three men drawn from the Nation of Islam entered the room and immediately shot him while he was just about to start addressing the gathering (Breitman, Porter & Smith, 1991). He was pronounced dead on arrival to the nearby Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. In addition, the capsule reveals that the assassinations of Malcolm soon triggered revenge attacks from his followers against the Black Muslims that saw several Mosques belonging to the Black Muslims torched in San Francisco and Harlem (Maga, 2009). In fact, one of the items discovered and resembled are the remains of a Dome of a Mosque thought to have been buried underground after the incident. Another item found in relation to assassinations during the 1960s relates to how Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in the evening of April 4, 1968. King was a vocal civil rights activist and leader. He was very vocal in fighting for equality for the black Americans and other races that were being discriminated against in the U.S. (Maga, 2009). Because of his stand, he was assassinated by a stray bullet. Archeologists’ findings of his skull reveal that the bullet hit him on the right cheek before traveling through his neck and finally rested on this shoulder. Analysis of the bullet casket found buried underground reveals that it was a 0.30-caliber rifle bullet. Significance of Assassinations in Defining the 1960s The assassinations witnessed during this era are of great significance because it reminds many of the struggles that leaders such as Martin Luther King Junior, John F. Kennedy and Malcolm went through in an attempt to ensure that America becomes a good country to live in - one without discrimination based on color, race, nationality, religion or language. As a result, the assassinations of these le aders signify how insecure America was during the 1960. People risked their lives by voicing out their concerns. It also shows the extent to which impunity and racism was the order of the day during this period (Maga, 2009). Feminist Movement History tells us that American women in the 1960s were limited in almost everything. As such, they were only

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Write Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Write Experience - Essay Example They deliver on time and follow our quality procedures, which our contract stipulated. Unfortunately, they have had lapses in their quality assurance procedures, due to a labor strike that affected their workforce. Because of this, the remaining workers were pressed to do more, which obviously, they could not achieve. Several employees admitted being too tired for the quality check procedures we had asked them to perform. On June 2, 2012, only one employee was present for quality checks, instead of three, and he worked double shifts. This affected his judgment and he missed checking several packages, which the CCTV also showed. Because of this, some of the ingredients that the supplier delivered had been contaminated and still delivered to us. At present, we are working with the supplier regarding this problem. They admitted their quality lapses and are willing to pay for the hospitalization and medical expenses of those who are affected. We also suspended our contract with them, until they could hire enough people for their quality management system. At present, we already contracted a new supplier, who agreed to our renewed meticulous quality standard system. In addition, we also assigned one of our staff to conduct additional quality checks. She is Mrs. Linda Ashcroft, a nutritionist and food technologist. She will be in charge of designing, assessing, and implementing food quality standards. She presently evaluated our delivery, storage, cooking, and service systems and provided recommendations that we will immediately implement. We also invited the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct a monthly review of our food and service quality. They are willing to send representatives to perform regular inspections. We hope that through these efforts, we can regain your confidence in our restaurant. We will do better from this time forward and we will be become more critical of our quality standards and procedures, and subject our suppliers to the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Emergency, Exception and New Technologies in International Relations Essay

Emergency, Exception and New Technologies in International Relations - Essay Example In it, malicious actions such as usurping, destroying, altering, disabling, or damaging them occur. These are collectively known as â€Å"cyber attacks.† Lin asserts that cyber conflict has attained a level where it is a humanitarian issue but it is still not fully addressed by existing interventions such as the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter. This is because these interventions (instruments) are outdated in that cyberspace is a new technology as compared to their establishment time. As such, cyber conflicts are bound to affect organizations, people, groups, and territories in the near future. Again, he asserts that the world is yet to experience a serious form of cyber conflict because no stringent countermeasures exist in preventing such (Lin, 2012). The increasing importance of IT, though very beneficial when applied, has dragged along a detrimental side to it. The fact that IT is universal (global) means that what is taught in one continent is the same thing that will be taught in another. As such, creating or attacking IT systems is possible from any point of the earth; adding up to cyber conflict. Cyber conflict can be caused by two levels of hostilities: technology-based and people-based approaches. Technology-based hostility refers to cyber attack conducted using purely technological tools such as software, programs, or computer hardware. This includes gaining access to restricted systems, interfering with them using a payload, and gaining in one way from doing so. People-based cyber hostility occurs when people are tricked (through scam), bribed, or blackmailed to conduct the attack from inside the target IT systems. Collectively, these forms of cyber attack/ hostility have led to the emergence of new countermeasures or frameworks. These are intended to protect IT systems from both vulnerabilities emerging from both offensive approaches. Lin presents two policies that can be implemented in preventing or minimizing vulnerability; defense

Monday, October 14, 2019

School life Essay Example for Free

School life Essay Nicholas Nickelby written in 1838 by Charles Dickens explores the life of a young school assistant at Dotheboys Hall and gradually explains how disgusted he felt. Laurie Lee later wrote an imaginary autobiography Cider with Rosie which is not just a factual account of the authors life but also accounts of events and incidents. This reflected school life in a different, vivid approach because you got his personal opinion. Obviously, both authors would show differences mainly due to the difference in time. Both Dickens and Lee were born in different eras therefore studied at school at different times. Not only was time a major difference, but the types of texts written; Dickens wrote a novel and Lee an autobiography and taking into consideration-originality. Cider with Rosie and Nicholas Nickleby both are diverse because they are written by different authors but Lees diversity is shown mainly by it being first person, yet everyone has their own style of writing. Nicholas cared about the other children but Laurie just cared only about himself. He did not hate school because of schoolwork but because he did not have to do any, which was contradictory compared Laurie. School life portrayed differently considering the eras of their birth therefore having an age gap and attending school at a contrasting period. Charles Dickenss educational system from early nineteenth (1812 -1870) ran differently relating to Laurie Lee during later twentieth century (1914-1997), is a significant difference. Buildings in Nicholas Nickleby were described as bare and dirty and the ceiling supported like that of a barn. The inside would be cold consisting of rickety furniture; whish suggests that the school was poorly built possibly due to lack of money. Nicholas being accustomed to poverty (by the unfortunate speculations of his father) had taught him to make his own way into the world; he may have found the school conditions familiar. Long ago, schools and the educational systems were not considered as a priority; consequently, no effort was made to improve them. There is hardly any mention of the exterior of the building or the surrounding environment. In Cider with Rosie, it is complete reverse; the issue is different. At the beginning, there are a few pages with a description of the natural environment like the valley, which consists of twenty to thirty houses made from Cotswold stone. Most of the surroundings are clarified at the beginning. There is more mention of the background and seasons compared to the buildings themselves. The houses ooze over the hills like thick layers of lava. There is mention of a Big Room which Laurie moves into; from becoming an indolent child to adult and tough that justifies his growth during school; from primary to secondary school. There is one distinctive difference and that is that in both tales; there is no real reference to buildings. Remembering that though, the earlier in time the worse the buildings were, the authors chose not to elaborate on this. Another difference is that there was increasing description of the countryside in Cider with Rosie that now may think he is boasting about the beauty of his hometown. The similarity is that there is not enough description about the interior of the classrooms. Charles Dickens vividly describes the teachers as rude people who liked mistreating the children please sir, hes weeding the garden. Mr. Squeers who is the head and most monstrous of the school alongside his wife is violent and negligent claiming he will take the skins off their backs he would even cane them if they did not behave. At one moment in time, he shows cruelty towards the children because when they receive some post from their families he reads it himself and judging form the messages received, were happy to get rid of their charges, and the news was simply a further addition to their misery. The teachers did not encourage the pupils to study and preferred then to weed the garden and clean the parlour windows. In Cider with Rosie, a dame teacher taught with a sixteen-year-old female assistant, similar to Nicholass case except Nicholas was the assistant. During the story the teacher Crabby. B has a nervous breakdown saying, I wont have it! when the children would not sit down! They soon found a replacement teacher Miss. Wardly from Birmingham. Lee describes her as having loose but stronger reins sharp-tongued, but patient enough. She wanted then to learn, so she encouraged them to and even wistfully wished her students good luck when they grew up and left. A further comparison in Cider with Rosie the children were not as well disciplined because they drove their teacher insane. The children in Nicholas Nickleby would not even dare treat their teacher with disrespect because they knew they could loose everything they had. However, in the twentieth century (Lees era) punishment and using the cane was illegal. There are people/characters in Nicholas Nickelby such a boy called Smike who is a half-witted inmate of Squeerss establishment who is treated like a slave. He is the oldest and does not have to do any schoolwork but is treated worse to the rest because at one time, he received a box on the ear from Mr. Squeers presuming to contradict his mistress. Mrs. Squeers is as bad as Mr. Squeers because she does not care about the children apart from their own spoilt son-Master. Squeers. She is also involved with the scandal of running the school as a business. Lee introduces his friends Poppy, Jo, Vera and Spadge who are all in his class and seems like they are his only friends. He only ever mentions them therefore, we have an impression they are the closest ones he has. He does not like Vera and decides it would be funny to hit her over the head with a stick. He describes Poppy and Jo as the two blonde girls and Spadge the rebellious class bully. Spadge was the boy who decided to mock the teacher Crabby. B. another character was the sixteen year old assistant who Laurie liked very much the pretty, gracious lady. Laurie has friends but people who he can confide and communicate with a positive, friendly atmosphere. In Nicholas Nickleby, Nicholas has no one to talk to and tell his problems to, except Smike who he eventually speaks to because Nicholas feel sympathetic towards him asking you are shivering? N-o-o. the children do not have permission to talk to each other because the teacher is too strict with them.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Lai Massacre :: essays papers

My Lai On March 16, 1968, "Charlie Company" was sent into a small Viet Cong village called (by the U.S.) My Lai 4. Their instructions by commanding officers were: "... kill every man, woman, child and animal in the village. Burn all the homes .... nothing should be walking, growing or crawling." Orders were followed, and as I read the first 65 pages of this book, I was exposed to the detailed death of 306 civilians, mostly women, small children, and old people. There was no threat to any American GIs ... there were no Viet Cong Solders in the area. I read of the rape of a 14 year old girl by twenty GIs ... in front of the parents. They were all shot after the GIs were "done with their business." This was only one of many. Most of the murders were conducted, BY ORDER OF OFFICERS, to round-up the families from their homes, forced into ditches, and shot. Women dove to cover their children. Later, children just old enough to walk crawled out from under their mutilated mothers' bodies, only to be shot as target practice by the GIs. It is later estimated that approximately 500 civilians were murdered, and (probably) no VC were in the area. I could go into detail about the killing. However, most of the book was devoted to the time before the massacre, and afterward. The officers and GIs of "Charlie Company" were introduced in the beginning of the book: the officers had been social outcasts all their life (LT. Calley & Medina). Both had decided to devote their life to the military. The GIs were selected for "Charlie Company" specifically because they had all scored too low on the initial exam to be put into a regular battalions. After the massacre, nothing was done. As a matter of fact, "Charlie Company" was praised for having the "most kills" in one day. By late 1969, most of the GIs in Charlie Company were civilians again, and a few began to tell what they had seen (and participated in). A Government Investigation was called against Lt. Calley (who ordered, and participated in the murders). Some of the photographs from the massacre were published. You wouldn't believe what the civilian response was! The overwhelming public response was to drop the charges; they thought that there was nothing wrong with the massacre, OR they didn't believe it really happened. As a matter of fact, Lt. Calley had become a hero as an AMERICAN! There was a hugely-supported

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Packaging :: essays research papers

Successful and Unsuccessful Packages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Budweiser package and Foster package does more than they contain and protect products. They also tell their great deal about the people from different countries that buy the products, as well as the people from different countries who sell the products. In addition, both packages are made in different countries, and both packages have differences and similarities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Budweiser package is manufacture in America and contains various bottle sizes and various can sizes. Budweiser bottle is small and easy to hold and the cap is easy to open. In addition, it is made in thick glass so when it drops from the knee down it does not crack, and it ¡Ã‚ ¯s appearance is attractive to people. Budweiser can is made in different beer quantity from 6 ounces to 24 ounces. Moreover, it encloses different item quantity from case of 6 to case of 24.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the other hand, Foster package is manufacture in Australia and contains one bottle size and one can size. Foster bottle is large and hard to hold and it is hard to open. In addition, it is made in thin glass so it ¡Ã‚ ¯s easy to break when it drops. Foster can contains only one beer quantity, which is 6 ounces and doesn ¡Ã‚ ¯t enclose various options to meet people preferences. In addition, Foster only has one item quantity, which is case of 6 that most people prefer case of 24. Budweiser package is a successful selling product in America because the price of the products is affordable to buy and it on advertisement (billboard, radio, and TV). In addition, the company and the product are popular to US citizen. Besides, Budweiser alcohol level is low around .02, which most American prefers that level of alcohol to be. For example, in New York Time Magazine say most American like to drink Budweiser because they say it tastes better and the alcohol level is no t dangerous for driving. On the other side, Budweiser package is a failure in Australia because it considers a foreign product and Australian prefers to have higher alcohol level.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Foster package is a failure in the United State for the reason that it ¡Ã‚ ¯s a foreign product and doesn ¡Ã‚ ¯t meet US citizen preferences. In addition, it contains lack in advertising and contains high alcohol level. Besides, Foster company and products are unpopular in the US, so the percentage of selling the product really low.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dreaming of Time Travel Essay

The reading â€Å"Dreaming of Time Travel† discusses applications of time machine, whether time travel is possible and how time travel can be explained in terms of physics and quantum mechanics. The author highlights such issues as meeting yourself in the past, time as fourth dimension, many-world theory, self-consistency, concepts of wormhole and star trek. It is a matter of fact that human imagination has been always captured by opportunities of time travel as it would give an excellent opportunity to see own past and perspectives for future. Science is interested in time travels the most as it would help to solve historical and scientific conflicts and controversial points. Of course, if people had time machine, they would definitely visit twenty-third century to look for technological advances and to find effective ways of cancer treatment. Nevertheless, time travels may change the past and, consequently, future would be changed as well. You may seven slip out of existence as a result of change. It would be possible to kill Hitler preventing, in such a way, World War II and save millions of innocent deaths. People would be able to participate in historical events shaping them. Moreover, it would be possible to meet historical figures as, for example, Buddha, Moses, Cleopatra or Shakespeare. Actually, there is no limitation of possibilities. Time travel makes people feel free to move around the world, but they may be helpless as they are not acquainted with cosmic order. Nowadays the issue of time travel has become a matter of interest for physicists, not only for fiction writers. For example, when Wells wrote his famous â€Å"The time Machine† many believed that it was impossible to travel through time and space. It is Einstein’s Universe that makes time travel possible and understandable. Therefore, many physicists are actively investigation time travel to the past. In his ideas Einstein uses the concept of time as fourth dimension. This idea is used to show that time can be measured by moving and stationary observers. Therefore, Einstein argues that our universe is four-dimensional. The idea of many-world theory is also very interesting as it offers radical alternative of viewing our world. Many-world theory is based primarily on quantum mechanics developed in the beginning of the 20th century. Quantum mechanics was used to explain the behavior of molecules, atoms and other micro-particles. Quantum mechanics proved that particles had wave nature. It is assumed that people won’t change the pass if they travel because they are a part of it. However, Einstein viewed it as paradox. Therefore, the concept of self-consistency was introduced to explain the possibility of historical changes. It seems that self-consistency is rather controversial to the common sense of free choice and free will. Therefore, time travelers are likely to be constrained being deprived of essential human ability. For example, David Lewis argues that free will never allows people to do logically impossible things. Four-dimensional world doesn’t change as it is viewed as fixed sculpture. Time-travel stories are also based on self-consistency system. In time travel the particles have world line meaning that there is a circle with no ends. Such particles are called jinn. They are claimed to arrive by wizardry as in Aladdin’s story. Often fiction literature involves scientific investigation of time travel. For example, â€Å"Star Trek† fiction encourages further time-travel investigation from scientific perspective. It stresses that it is possible to use warp-drive to ravel in past. Fiction often stimulates scientific thinking. Physicists are the most interested in time travel as they want to test the boundaries and opportunities of physical laws, as well as to patent a time machine. The author concludes that time travel seems so strange for people simple because they aren’t accustomed to meet time travelers in our everyday life. If people meet them everyday, they won’t be surprised. If time travel can occur in principle, scientists will receive new insights about the universal order. Works Cited Gott, J. Richard. Time Travel in Einstein’s Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time. NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. 3-32.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Evolutionism Essay

Essay Critically discuss the Nineteenth Century theory of Evolutionism in relation to the social development of cultures. special development of cultures. Anthropology originated in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Missionaries, traders and travellers in Africa, North America, the pacific and elsewhere provided the first great anthropological works. Anthropology is the holistic study of the biological, social and cultural aspects of mankind, paying particular attention to the relationships between our physical and cultural natures and between culture and the nvironment. Anthropology is basically the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors. Early thinkers’ such as Hume, Smith and Montesquieu wrote about primitive institutions which they argued about amongst themselves. Their conclusions were not based on any scientific that could be tested but from principles found in their own culture. They laid the foundations for modern social anthropology believing that universal laws found in nature could be applied to human society. The thinkers were concerned with social evolution and progress. The term evolution was opularized during the 19th century by Herbert Spencer to mean cultural evolution. Evolutionists were those who believed that the cultures and life forms being studied are evolving toa particular form. Evolutionism is the idea that this universe is the result of random cosmic accidents, life arose spontaneously through chemical processes and all life forms are related and share a common ancestor. Evolution is a process of formation, growth and development from generation to generation. Socio- cultural evolutionism describes how cultures and societies have changed over time. In the nineteenth century Edward B. Tylor maintained that culture evolved from simple to complex and all societies passed through three basic stages of development which was originally suggested by Montesquieu. The three stages are called the lines of human progress which states that man evolved from savagery to barbarism and finally to civilization. Man became civilized after discovering pottery. To account for cultural variation different societies were at different stages of evolution. Simpler people of the day had not yet reached higher stages. Some ocieties were more evolve than others. Evolutionists believed Western Europe had evolved from a backward society to a more advanced society. Simpler contemporary societies were thought to resemble ancient societies. More advanced societies exhibited traces of earlier customs that survived in present day cultures, this was known as ‘survival. ‘ Pottery is an example of survival, earlier people made their cooking pots out of clay, today pots are most often made with metal because they are most durable but dishes are preferred to be made out of clay. Tylor correlates the hree levels of social evolution to types of religion: savages practicing animatism, barbarians practicing polytheism, and civilized man practicing monotheism. Tylor includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society,† Tylor believed that because of the basic similarities common to all peoples, different societies often find the same solutions to the same problems independently. Tylor also noted that different cultural traits may spread from one society to another by a simple means of diffusion hich means the borrowing by one culture of a trait belonging to another as the result of contact between the two societies. Lewis H. Morgan was one of the most influential evolutionary theorists of the nineteenth century. In his book Ancient Society, he divided the lines of human progress into the three stages and further divided savagery and barbarism into upper, middle and lower segments. Each stage was distinguished by technological development and connected in patterns of subsistence, marriage, family, and political organization. Middle savagery was arked by the acquisition of a fish diet and the discovery of fire, upper savagery by the bow and arrow, lower barbarism by pottery, middle barbarism by animal domestication and irrigated agriculture, upper barbarism by the manufacture of iron, and civilization by the alphabet. Morgan believed family units became smaller and self contained as society became more developed. Johann J. Bachofen developed a theory of evolution of kinship systems which was agreed upon by Morgan. Morgan believed in the theory of ‘primitive promiscuity,’ which means that human society had o sexual prohibitions and no real family structure. Primitive promiscuity can be divided into ‘matriliny where descent was traced through the female only, ‘patrilinV where descent was traces through the male only and ‘polyandry were several husbands shred one wife. Morgan believed that family units became progressively smaller and more self-contained as human society developed. However, his postulated sequence for the evolution of the family is not supported by the enormous amount of ethnographic data that has been collected since his time. For xample, no recent society that Morgan would call savage indulges in group marriage or allows brother-sister mating. Modern social anthropologists regard these reconstructions as over amplifications of events that can never be known in detail. The efforts of early writers were only historical enquiries. At this stage it became clear that there was no evidence which could detail the earliest stages of society and few societies developed in total isolation of other human cultures or outside influence. The evolutionists became unpopular by the nd of the nineteenth century. The school of Diffusionists became popular, they brelieved tahat cultural change and progress were mainly due to borrowing because items of culture were mainly transmitted from one society to another. Despite the errors of the nineteenth century scholars, modern social anthropology owes much to their efforts because of their interest in the social institutions of different societies and the methods used to draw conclusions. The current anthropological view concentrates mainly on the institutionalized aspects (kinship, marriage and religion) of culture taking into ccount systems of belief, values and ideas. Modern anthropology relys mainly on fieldwork which is the gathering of data which organizes, describes, analyzea and interprets to build and present that account which may be in the form of a book, article or film. The latest investigations regarding early humans is that mankind civilization through the slow gain of knowledge. Reference: * Introduction to anthropology 101 (course book 2010) * Culture vs civilization http://www. edward]ayne. com/culture/fallacy. html http://www. as. ua. edu/ant/Faculty/murphy/436/evol. htm * Wikipedia

Safety of Fire Alarm

In 1600, years ago there was Members of the community who's responsible to announce people if there is fire by blowing a whistle or ringing a church bell, years later the fire alarm was designed with new features. There are four types of fire alarms which are Ionization, Video-Based Detectors, Flame Detectors and Combination Detectors. Fire alarms can give you an early signal to something that could be terrible – basically saving your lives. There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy ; affordable and we will discuss each one in details below. Some real life situations that influenced society like the story of a Mother who lost 7 kids in Fujairah fire and the address hotel fire accident.IntroductionFire alarm has a several of devices that work together to discover and warn people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are present. Fire accidents happens a lot since 1600 till now and fire alarm before was not developed as now, in 21 century the fire alarm has been developed in many types which decrease the number of fire accidents and deal with all types of fires, even the interior civil defence general headquarters provide people to Installation of fire detectors in their homes because the number of fire accidents increased since last years which comes from lack of awareness, Faulty electricity, and high temperature. Fire alarm has a lot of benefits which can safe people lives and save a lot of positions.Historyin 1600, years ago, there was Members of the community who's responsible to announce people if there is fire by  blowing a whistle or ringing a church bell. Later in 1850 Moses Farmer and William F. Channing designed a fire alarm, the designed consist of two fire alarm boxes and each of them have telegraphic key, when someone within the premises identified a fire or the risk of a fire, they'd race to the handle and wrench it. As the telegrapher at the station received the message, then the operator there will relay it along the fire department to response of the box location. In 1890, Francis Robbins invented the design of modern life alarm. His design was not popular and receive little attention, after not along time people recognized the importance of fire alarm and it was widely used in places where can happen especially in cities and large towns where the fire departments must respond to the fire quickly. In 21 century the first fire alarm modern was developed, this alarm was working without wires and use a different type of technologies such as cellular transmitters, private radio systems and digital communicator systems. This modern technology allows the fire alarm signal to be transfer to the nearest fire department in seconds so that a fire fighting team can be dispatched Types of fire alarm: Ionization An ionization smoke indicator contains a detecting chamber comprising two electrically charged plate and a radioactive hotspot for ionizing the air between the plates. An ionization smoke indicator works attractively on a wide range of flames, it reacts more rapidly to blazing fires than photoelectric smoke identifiers. The ionization locator is a programmed resetting type and is most appropriate for rooms that contain profoundly burnable materials, for example,Cooking fatNewspapersPaintCleaning arrangementsThere are two essential sorts of air-examining smoke indicators. The most widely recognized one is the cloud-chamber write. This detector uses a small air pump to draw sample air into a high humidity chamber within the detector. The detector triggers an alarm signal when the density of this cloud exceeds a predetermined level. The second type of air-sampling smoke detector is composed of a system of pipes spread over the ceiling of the protected area. A fan in the controller unit draws air from the working through the funnels utilizing a photoelectric sensor. Types of Detectors:  Duct Smoke Detectors: Duct smoke detection serve to protect the air conditioning system itself from fire and smoke damage, and to assist in equipment protection applications. For instance, in the ventilation work of centralized server PCs and tape drives.Applications: Downstream of the air channels and in front of any branch associations in air supply frameworks having a limit more prominent than 2,000 cfm (944L/sec).Return framework smoke finders are not required when the whole space served by the air circulation framework is ensured by an arrangement of zone smoke locators.Fan units whose sole capacity is to expel air from inside the working to outside the building. Duct smoke detectors are specifically listed for installation within higher air velocities and they are no substitute for other types of smoke detectors in open areas.Video-Based Detectors: state-of-the-art fire detection technologies and enables early detection of smoke and flames in environments where these cannot response times, for example, structures with high roofs or dusty and muggy zones. The video-based fire detection system scales well from a single camera to a networked system of distributed cameras with a central console and management system, it can relay alarms to an existing fire alarm panel or transmit them by means of Ethernet to a checking focus or even a cell phone like an iPad. By getting HD quality video pictures continuously gives the firefighters a decent comprehension of the present circumstance even before they are in contact with the scene. Cameras are easy to install and require very little maintenance in contrast to state-of-the-art smoke and flame detectors. The utilization of PoE cameras (Power over Ethernet) can wipe out the requirement for singular power supplies and power links, making it significantly more cost-effective it can likewise be utilized for little and disseminated offices, for example, control stations and flag boxes where the ad vantage does not legitimize the establishment of the flame board. A few points of interest of video-based locators:Ability to protect a larger area, while still achieving fast detection. In many large facilities with excessive ceiling heights, designers find it impractical to use conventional smoke detection devices it can detect smoke or flame inside the field of the perspective of the camera.Ability to have live video quickly accessible after identifying a pre-alert or a caution condition.Flame Detectors: (light identifier) is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of a fire. It responses to a detected flame depend on the installation but can include sounding an alarm and activating a fire suppression system, an effective in monitoring large areas, such as an aircraft hangar or computer room.Fire indicator distinguish light in the bright wave range (UV identifiers), infrared wave range (IR finders), and identify light in both UV and IR waves these kinds of locator s are among the speediest to react to flames, they are likewise effortlessly enacted by such non-fire conditions as welding, daylight, and other splendid light sources. They should just be put in place where these triggers can be stayed away from or restricted. They must also be positioned so that they have an unobstructed view of the protected area, if they are blocked they can't enact. A flame detector can often respond faster and more accurately than a smoke or heat detector due to the mechanisms it uses to detect the flame. They are additionally worked same as video-based identifiers.Combination Detectors: alerts that either distinguish both warmth and smoke or utilize both the ionization and photoelectric procedures. Include fixed-rate detectors, heat detectors, and fire-gas detectors. These mixes give the locator the advantage of the two administrations and increment their responsiveness to flame conditions.Depending upon the plan of the framework, various combinations of the previously described detection devices may be used in a single device.Photoelectric Photoelectric smoke identification takes a shot at a wide range of shoot and typically reacts more rapidly to smoldering fires than ionization smoke detection. Photoelectric smoke detection is most appropriate for zones containing overstuffed furniture and different territories where seething flames can happen. A photoelectric gadget comprises a photoelectric cell combined with a light source. The photoelectric cell works in one of two approaches to distinguish smoke: projected-beam application (obscuration) or refractory application (scattered). The projected-beam application style of photoelectric finder utilizes a light emission centered over the territory being checked onto a photoelectric-getting gadget, for example, a photodiode. The cell always changes over the bar into the current, which keeps a switch open. At the point when smoke meddles with or darkens the light pillar, the measure of current created is reduced. The detector's circuitry senses the change in current and initiates an alarm when a current change threshold is crossed.Projected-beam application smoke detectors are particularly useful in buildings where a large area of coverage is desired, such as in churches, atriums, or warehouses. Rather than wait for smoke particles to collect at the top of an open area and sound an alarm, the projected-beam application smoke detector is strategically positioned to sound an alarm more quicklyA refractory application photoelectric smoke detector utilizes a light emission from a light-discharging diode (LED) that goes through a little chamber at a point removed from the light source. Regularly, the light does not strike the photocell or photodiode. At the point when smoke particles enter the light bar, light strikes the particles and reflects in irregular ways onto the photosensitive gadget, making the locator produce an alert flag.Benefits of having fire alarm Many people don't consider fire alarms seriously, and many do not test or check their alarm systems routinely. The only thing that can caution you, your family and colleagues all day, every day from a fire is the sound of a well installed and maintained fire alarm system. Fire alarms can give you an early signal to something that could be terrible – basically saving your lives. There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy & affordable and we will discuss each one in details below.24/7 MONITORINGA fire alarm system gives protection 24 hours a day, every day of the week. place will be monitored all the time from morning until night. So, people can feel safe in every place that has fire alarm system, because they know that this monitoring never stops.EARLY DETECTIONThe earlier a fire is detected, the quicker it will be that firefighters will react. This can mean you may avoid major damage or even worse, the complete destruction of the place.AVOID SMOKE INHALATIONThe most important reason is perhaps the only one you really require. This can save as many spirits as possible especially at the house. This is particularly significant during the evening time. Anyone who is sleeping may not be awakened in time if a fire begins. Many times, people die of smoke inhalation while trying to escape. At the bottom line, having a system in place can give you peace of mind, safety, and security.Avoid losing irreplaceable itemsHaving a system is very reasonably priced. Regardless of whether you have insurance that can compensate any lost items, many of them are irreplaceable. This would include photo albums, gifts from relatives or items passed down from one generation to the next. You also would be severely inconvenienced by having to live somewhere else for at least some time. At the end, there is the emotional trauma of losing your home and properties.Real life situations and solutions One of most horrible fire accident happens when a mother lost her 7 kids because of fumes rise in the house and inhalation of the children while sleeping cause them to death, after this accident, Maj. Gen. Mohammed bin Ghanem Al Kaabi, Commander-in-Chief of the Fujairah Police, stressing the need to install smoke detectors in the homes because of their proactive role in warning families with fire, and spare them lives and property. Brigadier Mohamed Al-Nuaimi pointed that the percentage of fire houses and private houses reached 57% of the fires building and installations in 2016, which let the general defense command advice people to install smoke detectors in their houses under the logo † smoke detector for your home safety†, also they specified a period from 2016 December till the end of 2017 to community awareness of the importance of protecting the houses by installing a smoke detector to prevent fire death and injuries 46005752318385Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1 :Address Hotel by Bruce Szczepanski0Figure SEQ Figure ARABIC 1 :Address Hotel by Bruce Szczepanski4600575000A luxury hotel the Address Downtown Dubai hotel, (2015 December 31) Thursday 9:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m. ET) the fire started while a stunning New Year's fireworks display lit up the night sky nearby. Orange tentacles of flames engulfed a large section of the high-rise soon after the fire started around. According to the Dubai Media Office, 14 people were slightly injured, and one was moderately injured, but the firework show still went on as planned; by midnight, authorities had treated the fire to be 90% contained. On 20 January 2016, Dubai Police held a news conference to confirm that an electrical short circuit caused the fire. The forensic has identified that the short circuit was caused by electrical wires of the spotlight used to illuminate the building between the 14th and the 15th floor. The General Command of the Civil Defense has taken some decisions which decrease the number of fires and deaths results by setting operational plans at all the levels of civil defense departments and the objective is to keep the people awareness from fire accidents and to check the report (Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and yearly), aw well as focusing on internal and strategic exercises of civil defense to respond quickly to any fire accident request, in additional to this there has been a qualified officers of the civil defense to accomplish the mission of inspection for building to see whether these building and centers are following the Protective conditions where 4167 buildings have been inspected by the centers officers. According to the general commander of the civil defense Maj. Gen. Jassim Mohammed Al marzouqi revealed that in 2016 the percentage of fire of buildings and facilities is 30% compared in 2015, where the number of fires reached 3388 and 2352 in 2016 which mean decease in deaths number from 33 in 2015 to 16 deaths in 2016 by 52%, and house fires fell by 7% in 2016 compared to 2015. Conclusion To conclude, fire alarm consists of three types which are Ionization, Video-Based Detectors, Flame Detectors and Combination Detectors.There are many benefits of having fire alarms such a 24/7 monitoring, early detection, avoid smoke inhalation and easy ; affordable. Fire alarm is very important not only in hotels and buildings, but also in houses because a lot of fire accidents happens inside houses and many lives are lost like a mother who lost her 7 kids, our advice that every home should have a fire alarm to reduce the number of accidents and to save to protect whom we love.Referencesâ€Å"Fire at Address hotel on New Year's eve caused by electrical fault: Dubai Police†. Gulfnews. Al Nasir Publishing LLC. 20 January 2016. Retrieved 31 January 2016.â€Å"Fire breaks out at a Dubai Hotel near Burj Khalifa, 16 injured†. The Times of India. December 31, 2015.Retrieved December 31, 2015.â€Å"Hotel fire put out in record time; Breathtaking Dubai show goes on as planned†. Emirates 24/7. January 1, 2016. Retrieved January 1, 2016.Aarti Nagraj (20 January 2016).â€Å"Electrical short circuit caused Address hotel fire – Dubai police†. Gulf Business. Motivate Publishing. Retrieved 31 January 2016. AlKaabi, A. (2017, S eptember 30).Seven members of a family were killed by a fire in their home in Fujairah. Retrieved from of the fire alarm | Silver Security Luton Bedfordshire. (2017, October 02). Retrieved from, B. (2017, March 27).The 5 Benefits of a Home Fire Alarm system. Retrieved from Fire death rate down to 52% in 2016. (n.d.).Retrieved from are fire alarm systems necessary and important? (n.d.).Retrieved from, ;. -. (2018, April 28).  «Interior »:  «Civil Defense » dealt with 2352 fires.Retrieved from